Well... Thank God it is Friday!
I want to start this blog out by the simple reason i started my own blog. I used to be one of those people that would think that writing a blog was stupid, pointless, writing where people don't do anything else with there lives. I realized that I was being ignorant. I started reading other peoples blogs and I found some to be very interesting and gave me the idea to start my own. Why not right? I sit aat a computer and research so many different things that come into my mind during the day I thought I should share them so maybe other people can be inspired by it to actually go do it!
I want to inspire people. I want whoever comes across my blog to leave it feeling better by either being inspired, learning something new, following there dreams.. so on and so forth.. I love photography, so I will be posting pictures of what inspires me or just because of the beauty. They will either be my own or something I have come across and I want to share it. I also will be posting quotes. Everyday I read quotes, so i will post the ones that help me get through my day. I find that being able to take in words from others that are inspiring, imaginative, loving, even quotes that leave you laughing and are just plain cute help you through day to day life.
I might be an odd one, but I have always had a book for everything.. either it is my journal, my music book, my book of all the things i want to do ( I kind of have alot. haha) Everyone forgets so i make sure whatever comes to my mind I need to put it somewhere so i dont forget, hence all the books i keep. But since i cant write I am going to post!
My blog is simple. It is positive. It is me.
I courage people to comment on how everything I post makes them feel. Express Yourself!!
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